Current Graduate Students

As a current student at UNT, there is a wide variety of resources at your disposal. From student organizations and student affairs to academic resources, counseling and tutoring, we strive to ensure our students have the tools needed to succeed.

  • Degree Plans
    All undergraduate students should contact their MEE engineering advisor for assistance in building their own unique degree plan. Advisors can ensure that each student receives detailed information regarding requirements and expectations for their respective degree and education path. Students can discuss their degree plan with a MEE engineering advisor.

    Degree/Major Change

    If you are an graduate student and need to change your degree/major, you can contact the graduate advisor by emailing Dr. Tae-Youl Choi.

  • Resources
    As a graduate student, there are a multitude of tools to aid in your academic graduate journey. As you move through your career, you will repeatedly utilize the resources found here.

  • Advising
    Graduate students have several opportunities for advising while attending UNT.

  • Grades & Academic Policy
    Please read over the sections on UNT policies. If you have any questions on these you can give us a call at 1+ (940) 565-2400 or send an email to us at

    Grade Appeal

    Understanding the academic organizational structure and appropriate Chain of Command is important when resolving class-related issues. When you need problems resolved, you must start with your individual faculty member who will then help you navigate the Chain of Command shown below.

    (seeUNT Policy 06.040 Grade Appeals)

    Appropriate Grounds for Appeal.

    Grades are subject to appeal only when the student believes that the grade was awarded in an inequitable, arbitrary, or erroneous manner. Appropriate grounds for appeal include circumstances where the grade was assigned based on: (see UNT Policy 06.040 Grade Appeals)

    a. inequitable treatment that is the result of departure from the instructor’s stated standards, and course policies; or

    b. a decision based on an error in fact.

    If the student believes that the grade was assigned inappropriately due to discrimination or harassment, the case must first be resolved through procedures for such complaints (see UNT Policy 16.004, Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation) Changes in a grade due to violations of academic integrity cannot be appealed through this process.

    Disability Accommodation


    The College of Engineering cooperates with the Office of Disability Accommodation to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. If you have a disability for which you will require accommodation, please present your written accommodation request by the end of the first week and make an appointment with the instructor to discuss your needs.

    Academic Dishonesty

    Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the University's status as an institution of higher education. In the class setting, students shall follow their instructors’ directions and observe all academic standards and requirements published in course syllabi and other course materials. A student is responsible for responding to an academic dishonesty report issued by an instructor or other University authority. If a student fails to respond after a proper attempt at notification, The University may take appropriate academic actions in the absence of the student. (See UNT Policy Student Standards of Academic Integrity)

    The use of unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise, including but not limited to the use of any unauthorized assistance to take exams, tests, quizzes or other assessments. Dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments. Acquisition, without permission, of tests, notes or other academic materials belonging to a faculty or staff member of the University. Dual submission of a paper or project, or re-submission of a paper or project to a different class without express permission from the instructor. Any other act designed to give a student an unfair advantage on an academic assignment.

    Use of another’s thoughts or words without proper attribution in any academic exercise, regardless of the student’s intent, including but not limited to: the knowing or negligent use by paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment or citation. The knowing or negligent unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or by an agency engaged in selling term papers or other academic materials.

    Altering a score, grade or official academic university record or forging the signature of an instructor or other student.

    Falsifying or inventing any information, data or research as part of an academic exercise.

    Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
    Helping or assisting another in the commission of academic dishonesty.

    Acting to prevent others from completing their work or willfully disrupting the academic work of others.

    Available Academic Penalties
    The following academic penalties may be assessed at the instructor’s discretion upon determination that academic dishonesty has occurred. Admonitions and educational assignments are not appealable.

    1. Admonition
      The student may be issued a verbal or written warning.
    2. Assignment of Educational Coursework
      The student may be required to perform additional coursework not required of other students in the specific course.
    3. Partial or no credit for an assignment or assessment
      The instructor may award partial or no credit for the assignment or assessment on which the student engaged in academic dishonesty, to be calculated into the final course grade.
    4. Course Failure
      The instructor may assign a failing grade for the course. Should the procedure for appeal of a case of academic dishonesty extend beyond the date when the instructor submits course grades for the semester, the student will be assigned a grade that reflects the penalty, which shall be adjusted, as appropriate, at the conclusion of any appeal process.

    Available Misconduct Sanctions

    1. Probation extending for up to two long semesters
    2. Suspension for up to one year
    3. Expulsion from the University
    4. Revocation of degree
  • Graduation
    As your final year approaches be sure to check these resources to help you prepare for Graduation.

Class Schedules

Current schedules for upcoming semesters are available in PDF format.


Check out the available resources UNT offers to help you prepare for your engineering classes.

Student Life

Engineering Student Organizations

Check out the website of the Council of Engineering Organizations for student organizations that fit your interest.

Health Matters

Check out the available resources UNT offers to help you stay physically and mentally healthy.